Being a specific portal for Public Procurement Information, tenders published on JapanTenders , gets focused publicity globally. Tenders are also published on different sections in the portal and sent to relevant suppliers in the database.
With e-publishing of tenders on the rise, this tenders portal will help you secure tenders easy & fast
Unlike newspaper publishing, tenders published on JapanTenders are very cost effective. The best part is that you can advertise tenders in less than 1/10 th of the cost for the advert is live till the deadline.
Unlike News Papers where the life is only one day and is limited to one city.
Tenders are very time sensitive; hence you would like to give enough time to your bidders. No need to prepare the costly art work and no waiting period. Just one click of the mouse and your tender advertisement is published globally.
With e-publishing of tenders on the rise, this tenders portal will help you secure tenders easy & fast
Online tender publishing is a proactive approach, unlike newspaper publishing which is a reactive pproach. Facility to post Corrigendum /Addendum, no limitation on size of the notice and provision to upload soft copy of tender document/TOR and MIS etc are the other benefits.
Unlike News Papers where the life is only one day and is limited to one city.
$ 99
$ 125/mo
$ 250/mo
All major Credit and Debit cards accepted.
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